Thursday, December 8, 2011

Zeitgeist- Year One

The term zeitgeist is from German Zeit- 'time' and Geist- 'spirit'
At the end of 2010 Google created their own Zeigeist, which showed the Year in review.

The search engine Bing also created a "Year in review for 2011" based on all the searches conducted on their website.

According to Bing searches, "2011 was the year of musical superstars, continued celebrity fascination, concern for human tragedy and new royalty. From rising stars and weddings to intense trials and natural disasters, Bing has captured history through the searches that mark the year's most important people, places and moments in time".

The Assignment
Your task is to create a grade 6 semester 1, Zeitgeist.


1. This is a reflection on the first 6 months of middle school ( it is not humanities specific).
2. The media to showcase your reflection is a 60 - 90 second imovie.
3. The imovie can be a combination of graphics, narrative, text and songs. ( song clips should not be more than 30 seconds or You tube may remove the song).
4. Planning is key. Create a doc google and plan the sequence of your graphics / information (before you start working on imovie).
5. Once completed upload your video to youtube and also create a Zeitgeits Reflection page under the humanities section on your eportfolio.

You have 3 lessons to complete the assignment.

Mr. T

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Rising Action...

You are now halfway through your free choice, literature circle novel. It's time to identify the series of events that are building and creating tension and suspense, or the rising action. Choose one of the three prompts, and complete a well-constructed and edited blog post. The minimum expectation is three paragraphs. Remember a paragraph includes a topic sentence, reasons, details, facts, supporting evidence and examples, and a concluding or transition sentence.

1. Describe an event from your book that shows the protagonist (the leading character, hero, or heroine of a literary work) versus the antagonist (a person who is opposed to, struggles against, or competes with another; opponent) element.

2. Describe how one of the main characters changes or develops through one or two events that lead up to the climax.

3. Describe the details of two events from your book that are building and creating tension and suspense towards a climax.

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Conflict- the Spice of Life

This week you've been working hard on your personal narrative, reading and completing your first literature circle, and getting back into the routine of things for the second trimester. Just like your stories, your lives have had some conflict!

We discussed the importance of conflict in writing your narratives, but now we're going to discuss the importance of conflict in your lives. None of us likes conflict, but it is an important part of the human experience. In this blog post, you are going to answer the following questions with thoughtful and complete answers. Minimum expectation is 3 paragraphs.

1. What is the conflict of your Literature Circle Novel? How do you know this? How do you think it is going to be resolved?

2. What is one conflict you recently faced in your life? How did you overcome it?

3. Why is conflict important in life? What role does it play in our lives?


Mr. T

Thursday, November 10, 2011

My Learning Profile

Have you ever struggled in class, feeling the need to move, or simply change seats that so that you could listen better with your left ear or view the whiteboard from a different angle? Does your teacher ramble on and on about big ideas and you just want to get to the tasks at hand?
The amazing characteristic about understanding your Learner Profile is that it will help you and your teachers know more about the best learning situations for each student; that is your strengths, your preferences and areas that we all can work on and improve.
Today's blogpost is a reflection on Learning Profiles, and now that you have a better understanding of your profile we would like you to write and share the information with the class.In a well structured response, (using the information you gained in class ) please reflect upon and answer the following ....
1. I learn best when......
2. I need to .....
3. The strategies that would help me in my learning....
4. I would like my teachers to know this about me.....

Mr. T and Mr. Whiting.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Guns, Germs, and Steel

In class, all Humanities students had the chance to view a portion of the PBS/National Geographic documentary " Guns, Germs and Steel," based on the book by renowned scientist / geographer Dr. Jared Diamond.
PBS describes this documentary as " Peeling back the layers of history, GUNS , GERMS and STEEL exposes the great forces that have shaped human history over the last 10,000 years". In the documentary Dr. Diamond put forward many theories as to why certain civilizations have flourished.

Now is the time for your thoughts and reflection...
Choose 1 of the following prompts and answer in a well structured 3+ paragraph response, plus graphics (minimum of 2) to support your ideas. Feel free to use the note sheets from the video to assist you.


1. What role did geographic location and natural resources play in the the development of Malaysia?

2. Even though Papua New Guinea is located in the same region as Australia and New Zealand, why is it that Australia and New Zealand become technologically advanced and wealthy?

3. Locate a topographical map of the world ( either using Google Earth or an atlas) carefully study the features evident on the map. Then answer "What hypotheses do you have about why most of the wealth in the world is found in the areas north of the Tropic of Cancer (23.5 degrees latitude North of the equator)


Mr. T

PS- Your blog post is due Friday, November 11.

Image Sources:

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Maroo of the Winter Caves: Thinking Back...

"Maroo and Otak walked with their people along the trail to the winter caves, and the dog trotted beside them."

Now that you are at the end of the novel, it is time to think back upon the story. When we look back at a book and attempt to learn from it, we are doing much more than reading for entertainment, we are reading for a purpose. Choose one of the three reflection questions below and answer them fully and thoughtfully. Minimum expectation is 3 paragraphs.

1. When we read to discover the purpose, one of the main things we are looking for is the "theme" of the story. The theme is the central idea or message the author wants to communicate. Often the theme has nothing to do with the characters, but rather is a universal thought the author wants the reader to learn. What do you think the theme of Maroo of the Winter Caves is? Be sure to use examples from the book to support your idea.

2. In a good story, the main character should change or evolve as the novel progresses. In Maroo of the Winter Caves, how does Maroo change? Be sure to use examples from the book to support your ideas.

3. A symbol in a story is something the author uses to represent something else, usually a big idea like happiness or peace. In Maroo of the Winter Caves, what do the "winter caves" symbolize?

"The Thinker" image courtesy of:

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Maroo of the Winter Caves- Chapters 9-12

With the death of Areg, the tribe must quickly make some important decisions or die from starvation.
For this weeks blog post you have a choice of prompts (minimum 3 paragraphs):

1. "By the time they reached the plain, the weather changed. The days were gray and darkness came early. Once a flurry of snowflakes reminded them of the danger they were in. It was as if winter were a giant striding behind them, his shadow already looming". p69

The author Anne Turnbull compares winter to a giant. Describe the danger and hardships that winter poses for the tribe.

2. " But old mother shook her head, "We may reach the White Mountain, but we will never reach the hunting grounds now. Winter has overtaken us. We are too late", she said... " at once Maroo and Otak remembered their plan. Maroo caught Rivo and tied him up in the snow house.... (p.83)

What was Maroo and Otak's plan? What effect would this have on the tribe?

3. "I have chosen Maroo as leader because she is the elder and also because I can trust her to be sensible and cautious". Old Mother said "The mountain is dangerous. You must cross it softly and quickly, like the hare on new snow, before it feels that you are there". (p.90).

How will the qualities of being sensible and cautious help Maroo on their journey? Provide evidence , examples and explanations as to why Old Mother selected Maroo as the leader of the expedition?

Graphic Sources:

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Maroo Chapters 6-8

Chapters 6, 7 and 8 of Maroo of the Winter Caves take us on a spectacular journey; To the sea, On an Ibex Hunt, on the search for the men and Areg's death.

Please choose one (1) of the following prompts, and write a well structured response (minimum three paragraphs):-

1. "A few days later, Maroo saw for the first time the thing she had smelled. They came to a gap between two hills, and looking down, instead of the expected green plain they saw a gray expanse of water that stretched forever". (p.36).

Describe Maroo's family's enthusiasm about the sea. What is it they like so much?

2. "That night the adults talked together and decided that Sovi's group should leave the next day and that Areg's group would follow in their trail a few days later". (p.45).

Why would it have been better for Areg's group to travel with Sovi's group than to travel alone?

3. "The ground fell away steeply, forming a small cliff. Vorka was trapped halfway down. When he stood up they saw that his right arm hung oddly as it if were broken. And then Maroo looked past Vorka and saw something else; the huddled shape of Areg lying at the foot of the cliff". (p.56)

How does Maroo feel about her father's death? How does she mourn it?


Graphic Sources:

Thursday, October 6, 2011

What an amazing trip to Tanjung Rumbutan ~ The Tambun cave paintings (that date back to the neolithic era) , tin panning,investigating eco-systems and much more, plus the opportunity to hang out with your friends! Now that we are well rested and back in Kuala Lumpur, it's time to write a blogpost reflection..

For our blogpost reflection you have a choice of three different prompts - Please chose only (1).

1. Write a narrative from the point of view of a baby prawn when the 6th grade descended on the river.


2. Choose 2 of the School Wide Learning results and provide evidence and examples how you best exemplified the SLR's on the field trip.


3. Protecting and maintaining the Tambun cave paintings (and their environment) is one simple way in which you can ensure that artifacts from the past are saved for future generations. Devise a plan as to ways in which we could actually have this happen.

-minimum 3 paragraphs

-correct spelling and grammar.
- include graphics (links to field trip photos are posted on homework message on Moodle).

Mr. T

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Recap of First Month

What an amazing start to the year for Grade 6 students; remembering locker combinations, organising homework and schoolwork and getting used to the schedule have all been learned.
Phew! Let's take a deep breath and reflect on the past 5 weeks.
In this blog, write about ( in paragraph form) :-

1.The successes that you have had so far ~ things that you believe you are coping very well with in Middle School.

2. The unexpected "struggles" or problems that have come up.

3.The things that you know that you need to work harder on/pay attention to.

4. Report on the progress that you have made on the goals from your first blog post.

5. Next, in middle school we often reflect on the work that we have done. It's a great strategy to always ensure that you do your best work possible. Its a reflection of who we are and also best illustrates our school wide learning results. Provide one (1) example that demonstrates each one of the School Wide Learning Results.

Live Ethically
Think Creatively
Collaborate Constructively
Learn Enthusiastically
Communicate Effectively
Reason Critically

6. Lastly, include 2 graphics to visually symbolize your school year so far. (remember to include citations (in smaller font) at the end of your blog post.

