Thursday, October 6, 2011

What an amazing trip to Tanjung Rumbutan ~ The Tambun cave paintings (that date back to the neolithic era) , tin panning,investigating eco-systems and much more, plus the opportunity to hang out with your friends! Now that we are well rested and back in Kuala Lumpur, it's time to write a blogpost reflection..

For our blogpost reflection you have a choice of three different prompts - Please chose only (1).

1. Write a narrative from the point of view of a baby prawn when the 6th grade descended on the river.


2. Choose 2 of the School Wide Learning results and provide evidence and examples how you best exemplified the SLR's on the field trip.


3. Protecting and maintaining the Tambun cave paintings (and their environment) is one simple way in which you can ensure that artifacts from the past are saved for future generations. Devise a plan as to ways in which we could actually have this happen.

-minimum 3 paragraphs

-correct spelling and grammar.
- include graphics (links to field trip photos are posted on homework message on Moodle).

Mr. T

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