Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Maroo of the Winter Caves- Chapters 9-12

With the death of Areg, the tribe must quickly make some important decisions or die from starvation.
For this weeks blog post you have a choice of prompts (minimum 3 paragraphs):

1. "By the time they reached the plain, the weather changed. The days were gray and darkness came early. Once a flurry of snowflakes reminded them of the danger they were in. It was as if winter were a giant striding behind them, his shadow already looming". p69

The author Anne Turnbull compares winter to a giant. Describe the danger and hardships that winter poses for the tribe.

2. " But old mother shook her head, "We may reach the White Mountain, but we will never reach the hunting grounds now. Winter has overtaken us. We are too late", she said... " at once Maroo and Otak remembered their plan. Maroo caught Rivo and tied him up in the snow house.... (p.83)

What was Maroo and Otak's plan? What effect would this have on the tribe?

3. "I have chosen Maroo as leader because she is the elder and also because I can trust her to be sensible and cautious". Old Mother said "The mountain is dangerous. You must cross it softly and quickly, like the hare on new snow, before it feels that you are there". (p.90).

How will the qualities of being sensible and cautious help Maroo on their journey? Provide evidence , examples and explanations as to why Old Mother selected Maroo as the leader of the expedition?

Graphic Sources:

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