Thursday, January 19, 2012

City Connection Review

You have completed your presentation and shared some of your story and knowledge from a city you’ve lived in. You’ve also learned to analyze different factors in the establishment and prosperity of a civilization.

In your blog, please reflect on the following (in paragraph form ~ remember to include examples and explanations to support your facts):

1) What you believe you did well on the project?
2) What you would improve for future presentations/projects?
3) What did you learn from the gallery walk? Is there anything you would do differently after looking at your classmates projects?
4) What is your analysis of your project?
5) Based on the data you gathered, why should anyone settle/live in your city?

Lastly, include a link to your Google Docs city presentation on your blog.

Enjoy , Mr. T

1. The Nile River -
2. Sydney Harbour -

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Welcome to 2012!
At the stroke of 12:01am on the 1st of January, 2012, millions of people worldwide made New Years resolutions. It seems my resolutions are always to spend more time with my family, learn new things and to find a balance between my life at school and at home.
Reflecting on resolutions, I carried out some research on the world wide web. The website listed information on new years resolutions. Among the top resolutions are:

  • Fit in Fitness
  • Tame the bulge
  • Enjoy life more
Other research revealed - to become organized, help somebody and to be kind.

The Task - New Years Blog Post.

For the first blog post of 2012 your mission is to:

1.Write 2 resolutions and goals for the coming year ~ Be sure to include rationale / explanations to support your ideas.


2. Free Choice - Snapshot from your holidays, Exciting Christmas events, amazing experiences during the holidays.

Guidelines/ Expectations
* Minimum 4 paragraphs ( IN TOTAL )
* Please spellcheck, review capitalization and grammar
* Have a friend read / review your post .

Mr. T