Sunday, April 22, 2012

Malaysia Week 2012!!!

How was it?  Did you guys have a great time?  Today we're going to write a reflection on our trips!

Because Malaysia Week is designed to challenge and grow all students, we're asking you to do the following- write a paragraph on how you accomplished 3 out of the 6 SLR's on Malaysia week.  So, in what ways did you Collaborate Constructively, Live Ethically, Communicate Effectively, Reason Critically, Think Creatively, and Learn Enthusiastically?!?

You should have one paragraph for each of the 3 SLR's- be sure to include stories, examples, and evidence from your experience!

Can't wait to hear all about it!

Mr. T

Monday, February 27, 2012

Utopia BlogPost #2

During this weeks reading for Lit. Circle, you were introduced to the character "ZHANPOLE"(Beanpole).
He is an unusual character; he wears glasses, speaks English and is ready to join Henry and Will on their journey to the White Mountains.
In a well structured response ( of two paragraphs), please answer the following question:-

How will Beanpole help Will and Henry on their journey to the White Mountains ?
* Remember to use examples and evidence from the novel.

Jonas has now been selected as the Receiver of Memory, the most honored position in the community.He receives special and unusual instructions and begins to feel apart from his friends and family.

In a well structured 3 paragraph response (including evidence), choose one of the following three questions :-

1. Why do you think the apple and the audience changes for Jonas?
2. Why is it so difficult to disagree with a chanting audience?
3. The Chief Elder judges Jonas capable of being the next Receiver of Memory. Is it possible for one to correctly judge the character of someone else? How does this differ from judging someone else's actions?

The response is due by Monday, 5 March.

Monday, February 20, 2012

The Giver/White Mountains Blogpost 1

Another Literature Circle, another set of blog posts! Enjoy!

If you are reading The Giver by Lois Lowry, continue reading.... If you are reading White Mountains skip the Giver information...

In Lois Lowry's novel, Jonas and his family live in the "perfect society" , it could be described as a Utopian Society: , life is safe, orderly, and predictable. Rules are strictly adhered to; every aspect of a person's life is carefully planned. People rarely make choices on their own; everything is decided for them by the community.

For this blog post, you have the choice of journal responses ~ Please read the following three responses and CHOOSE one:

1. Would you want your future to be decided by others ? Why or Why not?
2. How do you feel about the "standard practices" and "rituals" in the community?
3. Why is interdependence fostered in the community?

Guidelines for Blog Post - Minimum 3 paragraphs, include examples and evidence from the novel.


Graphic Source:

So far you've read 2 chapters of The White Mountains and discussed it in your first literature circles group. We really hope you are enjoying your time reading the story, and we know that stories are more interesting if you can make a personal connection. So, in that spirit, write a brief (2-3 paragraph) blog post answering the following question:

How is Will just like you?


Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Pharaoh Project and Partners

As you all know, one of our school-wide learning results (SLR's) is to Collaborate Constructively.This week on your iMovie project, you have had the opportunity to work with a partner and collaborate on creating your iMovie. How did it go? Was it frustrating? Encouraging? In a well structured response (3 paragraphs or more), provide feedback on:

1.The benefits of working with a classmate.
2. Challenges / obstacles which you overcame (tried to overcome).
3. New understandings that you gained about yourself.

When you're done with your reflection, please upload your video (via YouTube) to your blog!

Mr. T

Thursday, January 19, 2012

City Connection Review

You have completed your presentation and shared some of your story and knowledge from a city you’ve lived in. You’ve also learned to analyze different factors in the establishment and prosperity of a civilization.

In your blog, please reflect on the following (in paragraph form ~ remember to include examples and explanations to support your facts):

1) What you believe you did well on the project?
2) What you would improve for future presentations/projects?
3) What did you learn from the gallery walk? Is there anything you would do differently after looking at your classmates projects?
4) What is your analysis of your project?
5) Based on the data you gathered, why should anyone settle/live in your city?

Lastly, include a link to your Google Docs city presentation on your blog.

Enjoy , Mr. T

1. The Nile River -
2. Sydney Harbour -

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Welcome to 2012!
At the stroke of 12:01am on the 1st of January, 2012, millions of people worldwide made New Years resolutions. It seems my resolutions are always to spend more time with my family, learn new things and to find a balance between my life at school and at home.
Reflecting on resolutions, I carried out some research on the world wide web. The website listed information on new years resolutions. Among the top resolutions are:

  • Fit in Fitness
  • Tame the bulge
  • Enjoy life more
Other research revealed - to become organized, help somebody and to be kind.

The Task - New Years Blog Post.

For the first blog post of 2012 your mission is to:

1.Write 2 resolutions and goals for the coming year ~ Be sure to include rationale / explanations to support your ideas.


2. Free Choice - Snapshot from your holidays, Exciting Christmas events, amazing experiences during the holidays.

Guidelines/ Expectations
* Minimum 4 paragraphs ( IN TOTAL )
* Please spellcheck, review capitalization and grammar
* Have a friend read / review your post .

Mr. T